Symptoms of dental problems in children

Time to grow new teeth

His parents full responsibility for health care for the baby. Required for full development of the child's nutritional health. But children with the teeth to chew the food and the proper care of the teeth. The first baby teeth are usually up to 6 months of age. Between the ages of two and a half grown child's primary teeth rug.

Now the question may then why baby teeth are so small, need to be taken care of? Baby tooth formation depends on a lot of the baby's body wellness. Moreover, the formation of the baby's teeth, jaw and face structure depends on the baby.

Symptoms of dental problems in children

When children learn biting with the teeth and gums but its typical dental problems can be. Children between the ages of 4 to 6 months is the peak habits

Some problems are highlighted below -

Sores on the gums - the new teeth may blow up on the gums, and occasionally children.

Instability of dental pain - dental pain over troubled children. So they're constantly trying to bite the clothes or hands, which gets so.

Insomnia - severe tooth ache cannot sleep because of the children. Do not sleep the whole night crying and started spending their health to be worse.

 Fever and abdominal pain - teeth bite through a lot of practice, such as the baby's health could deteriorate - fever, diarrhea or abdominal pain.

Baby teeth care 

Many times it becomes difficult for a lot of children with dental pain. So this time, parents should put special attention to the child's teeth.

Below is some tips baby teeth care -

Cold water touches

If the baby teeth start biting gums give him a piece of cotton soaked in cold water to delete the child's gums.

Teething Ring
When baby teeth are up and the baby will have some bite. Children face many different things; bacteria can enter the baby's body. So bite the children found some rubber soft teething ring. Keep refrigerated purchasing this ring. Give your baby a cold teething ring. To soothe baby's cheek is in pain.

There are many drugs available to reduce children's dental pain. Drugs to treat children with doctor’s advice.

Tooth paste
Some medicinal tooth paste give available in the market. This tooth paste helps reduce the pain of the teeth and gums. However, with this type of doctor should be consulted before using tooth paste.

Brush twice a day can reduce the transmission of bacteria in the mouth. Brush teeth twice a day, so the doctors advised. Free florid tooth paste should be used for children.

This should keep an eye on the baby food menu. Lots of baby calcium intake should be. Keep in mind that sugar intake is more than the baby. Let your child eat a variety of fruits bruise. Keep daily intake allocated a certain amount of vegetables.

Dentist advice

A child should be taken regularly to the doctor regularly. These rules should be extended from the teeth. The doctor said the baby issue date or on the gums can solve it.