8 Very easy way to stay slim

Very easy way to stay slim

  1. At least two hours before going to sleep at night, eat dinner.
  2. After dinner, walk at least 10 to 15 minutes.
  3. milk, curd and eat plenty of yogurts. But they will be fat free.
  4. Please plan to eat what you eat and how much to eat before sitting. If you plan to eat less. And if you do not have a tendency to eat more calories.
  5. Low-calorie foods mean perfect, but it’s not tasteless food. Check tasty cooking methods.
  6. Eat meals slowly crushes. They became more active oral enzyme, which helps to fill the stomach of low intake.
  7. Any one fruit or vegetables a day, try eating raw.
  8. The same day, fruits, foods, do not eat curry. Right amount of nutrients will be playing all mixed. Do not take it monotonous to eat.

হেলথ টিপস (Health Tips)

Sometimes symptoms of excessive sweating

Excessive sweating, being extremely annoying. After being out of Clothes are wet end. Certainly not if it is harmful, but the hot and humid climates drastic temperature through sweat damaging effects of heat release saving. In fact transpire to lie at the roots of the sweat gland to balance our body temperature is going to work in secret. In addition, physical activity and exercise, fever, pain or bother to reinvigorate the body through the nervous system creates lots of sweat. That is normal. But suddenly going to excessive sweating can be a symptom of a problem or disease. Pregnant women sweat. After monthly women suddenly became hot and restless, sweating, and palpitations with can. Name of this special issue of Hot Flash. Normally you can take hormone therapy for could not be recovered. Growth hormone or thyroid problems may be sweating a lot. Night sweats is tuberculosis cases, when the temperature goes up. Some drugs may cause side effects sweating, eating, or insulin in diabetic patients who are taking medication, their blood can suddenly goes down on sweating. Palpitations with the troubled begin, dizziness, blurred eye can see, talk to the opposite counter. This is a danger signal. If sugar juice or eat something sweet with these dangers can be avoided. With sweating chest pressure or pain may be signs of a heart attack today.

Place of: excessive sweating at night is the only; only one side is not over. Chest pain, cough, fever or other symptoms do not have. If you do not eat a lot of late diabetic patients. In hot climates, sweat a lot in common, so that the body is not affected by water and salt in a void, he had plenty of time to be glad. Eat salt water or saline if necessary.Bottom of Form

Rice good to eat or not eat bread?

What to eat rice or bread? Many people suffer from this issue detention. Someone very love to eat rice, but was forced to eat the bread . Others eat rice as the main food of bread that is simply choosing not to love. But what is actually more beneficial? Check with rice and bread, the difference between the compositions of nutrients.

Micro nutrient

Rice and bread filled with two confined to food in the stomach several hours. 1/3  cup eat 80 calories, 1 g protein, 0.1 grams of fat and 18 grams of carbohydrate . On the other hand there is a 6 -inch bread 71 calories, 3 grams protein, 0.4 grams fat, 15 grams carbohydrate and fiber in grams. The amount of protein and fiber and low in calories, but the bread more than rice.


There are lots of rice and bread both vitamin which helps in the formation of new cells and the blood supply. It also helps prevent birth defects in the baby. Therefore, a necessary element in the body of pregnant mothers.


Bread of the 6 % phosphorus, 5 % Iron and magnesium, and 2% potassium, 1% calcium. But eat the same amount of iron, phosphorous, magnesium and potassium is less than the amount of bread. Phosphorus is essential to maintain good kidney health.

Fake and adulterated medicines are dominating the country

Fake and adulterated medicines are dominating the country

In the absence of government surveillance adulterated, fake and expired medicines has been dominating the small-town drug market. A large number of poor people have in the country who adulterated and counterfeit drugs cure illness and health problems instead of reading. Not getting the desired benefits without having to spend extra money. In the absence of adequate supervision and monitoring of drugs on the market without knowledge of fraudulent benefit fraud organizations small-town buyers.

However, the last few years, the pharmaceutical industry developed rapidly, but time has not been modernized in keeping with the principles of medicine. Sector has been strengthened to prevent irregularities in the administrative surveillance. To counterfeit, adulterated and substandard drugs are easily the market roof. Quality and effectiveness of the drug due to some problems with the old policy, customers can not find any information. In particular, small-town people, counterfeit, adulterated and substandard drugs has become hostage to the Syndicate.

However, the district civil surgeon, district health officials, local authorities are reluctant role in the quality of the countryside outside the reach of ordinary consumers of drugs. In contrast, spurious, fake and expired medicines in the rural market are transcripts from invading.

The government hospitals free of drugs being sold on the open market. Dhaka and across the country side of the hospital pharmacy drugs without knowledge of regular employees of the sale. Most of the shoppers are buying government drugs with money. Given the sample of hospitals from invading drug market moves. But patients do not receive government drugs ever. The open market to buy their drugs.